CAN Refutes Military Account On Fresh Plateau Attacks

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The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State has refuted the military’s explanation on the cause of recent attacks in the area.
Reverend Timothy Dulak, CAN Chairman in Mangu, claimed that the military’s narrative of cattle rustling as the primary cause was inaccurate.
On Thursday, the Nigerian Defence Headquarters had said that the major cause of the ongoing crisis in Mangu was cattle rustling which occurred on Monday in the community.
But Dulak told Channels TV on Friday that inaction of security personnel fuelled a protests by women in the village which later degenerated to attacks.
He said, “That is not true, what transpired is in a village called Sabon Gari. The village was attacked close to the checkpoint. Young men were coming from the town to Sabon Gari, the Fulani people attacked them there.
“The security were there, that was what brought (about) the riot of the women. They said they didn’t agree; why are they (the security agents) there if they would be killed and nobody is saying something about it?
“The women started the protest that very day; that was what led to the crisis. That is the truth about it; it is not about cattle rustling.”


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