CAN Lauds Tinubu’s Inclusive Approach To Governance

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The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has praised President Bola Tinubu’s “great sense of inclusiveness”.
CAN National President, Most Revd Daniel Okoh, disclosed this to State House correspondents on Monday after a meeting with President Tinubu at the Presidential Villa.
He said the Christian body found that the way President Tinubu has made appointments so far since assuming office shows he is committed to an inclusive government.
The CAN leader said President Tinubu’s inclusive approach to appointments has already increased the confidence of Nigerians in his administration.
Revd Okoh advised the President to continue on this path of inclusion, which has been evident from the beginning of his administration.
He said the Christian body found that President
Tinubu is “actually sensitive to all the challenges we have” and that he has been making “very positive steps” since the beginning of his administration.
He said, “Sincerely what we found out is that the President is actually sensitive to all the challenges we have, we see that he is aware.
“We see him making very positive steps even from the beginning of his administration by the way he has made appointments so far
“He has come with a great sense of inclusiveness and Nigerians have a sense of belonging
“As Nigerians in this govt, I tell you that his pronouncement so far and his body language has increased the confidence of Nigerians in Nigeria
“We believe that if given the chance he will do a lot more, we are praying that the Lord will strengthen his hands to be able to do a lot more and we are praying that the lord will strengthen his hands to do a lot more and turn around the fortunes of this country.
“We know that there are a lot of challenges but what we tell our people is that this is just the beginning of this administration. What we are facing now didn’t just start today but several years back and it will take a while to turn around these things.
“The important thing is that there is an intentional step that the President has taken and he is taking to reverse the trend of events, especially in the area of governance.”
He believes that if given the chance, President Tinubu will do a lot more to turn around the fortunes of the country.
He called on Nigerians who seem to have lost hope not to lose hope but to have patience, noting that the challenges facing the country didn’t start today but have accumulated over many years.
Revd Okoh said the Christian body believes Nigeria now has “a listening President” and urged President Tinubu to continue on that path.
CAN pledged to continue praying for the strengthening of the President’s hands to do a lot more to turn around the fortunes of the country.



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