Bilateral Agreement: Nigeria Sends 179 Students To Russia

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Federal government has selected over 179 students to study in various institutions in Russia under the Bilateral Education Agreement (BEA).
The students who were picked from Nigeria’s six geopolitical zones are expected to depart Nigeria soon.
Speaking at the pre-departure briefing ceremony in Abuja yesterday, the minister of education, Prof Tahir Mammam, charged the beneficiaries to uphold and eschew good values, focus on their studies and be good ambassadors of the country.
The minister who was represented by the director of universities, Hajiya Rakiya Gambo Ilyasu, said their selection is part of a broader plan of deepening the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu which ensures that brilliant Nigerians are supported to get necessary knowledge, skills and competence that would be useful in Nigeria’s development agenda.
Mammam said, “I am happy to inform you that in spite of the global economic meltdown, the number of our development partners have increased and many of them now offer scholarships to Nigeria.
“I therefore need to advise you not to see this as uncontrolled freedom to do things that would be a disgrace to you, your parents and the country. Nigeria is investing a lot in you and expect that the returns of the investment would manifest in your coming back to help move your nation forward.
“You must also strive to abide by the laws of your host country and remember to be your brother’s keeper. Most importantly, you need to make your presence known to the Nigerian Embassy in Moscow. This is very necessary based on our experiences from Ukraine.
“Your parents are also spending a lot of resources on you. Note that we all expect you to return to our dear country at the end of your studies to assist Nigeria to become a better place by contributing your quota to its development, using your new knowledge and skills,” he added.
The minister further enjoined parents of the awardees to always keep them in prayers and encourage them with sound advice at all times.
“You are further advised to make your parents and Nigeria proud by being worthy Ambassadors in the country of your studies,” he added.




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