As Tinubu, Sani Herald New Era Of Socio-economic Transformation In 1 Year democracy, By Gidado Ibrahim 

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As Nigeria continues on its path of growth and development, the Renewed Hope Government of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has been instrumental in driving socio-economic transformation across the nation, just like Governor Uba Sani is doing in Kaduna State. President Tinubu to the entire nation and Governor Sani to Kaduna, a state considered as headquarters of Northern Nigeria are two vivid examples of the feat achieved through the Renewed Hope Agenda within one year in office.


Since assuming office, President Tinubu has demonstrated unwavering dedication to improving the lives of Nigerians, and his efforts are yielding tangible results. One of the most significant achievements of the Tinubu administration is the revitalization of Nigeria’s infrastructure.


The president’s focus on upgrading transportation networks, energy supply, and digital connectivity has been a game-changer for the country. The Lagos-Calabar coastal super highway project, which will connect the southern states and boost economic activity, is a prime example of this infrastructure push. Additionally, there is the ongoing expansion of the Lagos-Ibadan expressway.


Another area where President Tinubu’s administration has made significant strides is in the energy sector. In consonance with his Renewed Hope Agenda, President Tinubu tinkered with NELMCO Board with expectation that the new structure and composition will yield expeditious and measurable progress in the management of the power sector’s post-privatization liabilities to create conditions for the sustainable attainment of world-class standards of operational efficiency across all sub-components of the Nigeria Electricity Supply Industry (NESI).


Furthermore, the government’s commitment to renewable energy sources, such as solar and hydroelectric power, is not only reducing carbon emissions but also creating new opportunities for economic growth.


In the realm of education, President Tinubu’s administration has introduced several initiatives aimed at improving access and quality. The recently launched “Education Renaissance” program seeks to revamp the nation’s educational infrastructure, provide training for teachers, and promote digital literacy. This endeavor is critical in preparing Nigeria’s youth for the challenges of the 21st century and ensuring they are equipped to compete in an increasingly globalised world.


Healthcare is another sector that has received significant attention from the Tinubu administration. The president’s commitment to universal health coverage is evident in the expansion of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) and the establishment of new medical facilities across the country.


His initiatives for the North-West region are a breath of fresh air, offering a comprehensive approach to addressing the region’s challenges. The Pulaku Initiative, Human Capital Development, Agriculture, Education, Poverty Alleviation, and Infrastructural Development programme demonstrate a clear understanding of the region’s needs and a commitment to sustainable progress.


The Pulaku Initiative’s non-kinetic approach to counter insurgency and banditry is a welcome shift in strategy, acknowledging that military action alone cannot solve the region’s security woes. By investing N50 billion in this initiative, President Tinubu shows a dedication to finding lasting solutions. Little wonder, the North-West is now enjoying all round peace. A little under one year, insurgency has disappeared.


Human Capital Development, Agriculture, Education, and Poverty Alleviation initiatives will enhance living conditions, promote economic growth, and address root causes of insecurity. These programmes will empower citizens, especially youth, to become active contributors to their communities’ development.


Infrastructural Development will catalyze growth, connecting communities and facilitating economic exchange. Modern residences, roads, schools, and essential facilities will transform the region’s landscape, fostering a sense of hope and progress.


President Tinubu’s initiatives demonstrate a commitment to inclusive growth, recognizing the North-West region’s potential and value. These programmes will revitalize the region, creating a beacon of hope for generations to come.


Against the foregoing backdrop, it baffles me why some people find it convenient to accuse the president of marginalising the North. For instance, Tinubu has supported heavily, the Governor Uba Sani’s transformative leadership in Kaduna State.


Kaduna, as the melting point and capital city of Kaduna State and the former political capital of Northern Nigeria, has long been a hub of activity and growth. However, in recent years, the city had faced numerous challenges, including security concerns and infrastructure deficits. But under the leadership of Governor Uba Sani, the state has undergone a remarkable transformation, marking a significant turning point in its history.


Governor Sani’s tireless efforts to deepen peace, safety, and security have yielded remarkable results, making Kaduna a haven of tranquility and progress. The once-notorious Kaduna-Abuja expressway, a hotbed of banditry and kidnapping, is now safe for travelers, thanks to the governor’s unwavering commitment to security. The resumption of the Abuja-Kaduna rail service, halted due to a heinous attack, is another testament to Governor Sani’s success in securing the state.


Agriculture, a vital sector in Kaduna State, has also seen significant growth under Governor Sani’s leadership. Farmers have begun returning to their abandoned farms, revitalizing the sector. The governor’s collaboration with President Ahmed Bola Tinubu, the National Security Adviser, Malam Nuhu Ribadu, and the armed forces led to the triumphant rescue of 137 abducted school children, bringing hope to families and communities.


The distribution of palliatives worth over N11.4 billion to Kaduna State citizens and residents has also provided the much-needed support to those in need. Infrastructure development has received a significant boost under Governor Sani’s leadership.


The groundbreaking for the construction of a 327-kilometer road linking College Road to Mashigi, stretching down to Eastern Bypass of Millennium City, will benefit Igabi, Kaduna North, and Chikun Local Government Areas. This project, among many others, showcases the governor’s dedication to transforming Kaduna State into a beacon of hope and prosperity.


Governor Sani’s achievements extend beyond security and infrastructure. His administration has made significant strides in education, with the construction of 2,326 new classrooms, renovation of 707 additional classrooms, and distribution of over 34,000 pieces of furniture for pupils and teachers. The implementation of reduced tuition fees in all state-run higher education institutions has also made education more accessible to all.


Furthermore, Governor Sani has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Hebei Province of the People’s Republic of China, promoting exchanges and cooperation in various fields, including economy, trade, solid minerals, science and technology, energy, transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. This bilateral cooperation will undoubtedly promote common prosperity and development.


On the political front, Governor Uba Sani, in his infinite wisdom, was able to see the need to strengthen the governing All Progressives Congress (APC). He brought former Governor of the state, Mukhtar Ramalan, and Senator Suleiman Othman Hunkuyi back to APC. He has rallied round associates to visit former Governor Ahmed Makarfi in the bid to unify the political structure of the Kaduna mafias in support of President Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda.


Governor Sani has also worked closely with former Vice President Namadi Sambo despite the fact that the latter is a member of the main opposition party. The former VP has always advised the governor on ways to unite Kaduna for peace and development. Heading to such counseling, the governor has made significant breakthrough through organizing economic and security conferences, as well as other high-powered meetings of bigwigs. This has led to peace and rapid development of the North.


In conclusion, President Tinubu and Governor Uba Sani’s achievements have ushered in a new era of peace and progress in Nigeria and Kaduna State. Their dedication to security, infrastructure development, education, and humanitarian efforts has transformed the country and the state into a symbol of hope and prosperity. As the state continues to flourish under his leadership, it is clear that Governor Sani’s legacy will be one of lasting impact and positive change.

Finally, let me use this opportunity to condole Governor Sani on the passing of our brother, Pharmacist Mukhtar Ismail, who was called to the great beyond last Friday after preparing to leave the county for the 2024 Hajj. May his gentle soul rest in Jannatul-Firdaus.


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