Army Commander Urges Officers To Imbibe COAS’ Philosophy

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The Commander, 4 Special Forces Community, Doma, Nasarawa State, Major General Hilary Nzan, has charged officers and men of the command to imbibe the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt. Gen. T.A. Lagbaja’s philosophy of professionalism and discipline.
A statement by the acting deputy director, army public relations of the command, Major Joseph Adekunle Afolasade, quoted Maj. Gen. Nzan as giving the charge during the closing ceremony of the operations planning cadre for officers of the command at the 401 Officers Mess in Makurdi, Benue State at the weekend.
He also urged them to uphold the cherished norms and traditions of the Nigerian Army in a bid to project its image.
“Let me use this opportunity to inform you that our professional conduct and service delivery must remain in line with the command philosophy of the chief of army staff in pursuance of our constitutional roles.
“Our state of discipline, fighting efficiency, dedication and loyalty to the constitution must be above board. I, therefore, implore you all to uphold the cherished norms and traditions of the Nigerian Army and your respective services to embark on virtues that will positively project our image in general,” he said.
He thanked the chief of army staff for providing the Nigerian Army the required leadership and support at all times.
According to him, the five-day training was designed to broaden officers’ perspectives on contemporary issues affecting the soldiers who are stakeholders of the larger security architecture of the country.
He said the lecturers focused on leadership, operational planning and manoevrist approach to warfare among others which are topics the officers would deal with in the conduct of their daily duties throughout their career.
He said it was his expectation that the diverse issues discussed and lessons learned would be put to use in the performance of their duties for the overall benefit of the Nigerian Army and other security services and agencies.
He pointed out that it was only when that was achieved that the purpose of the workshop would be well justified.
The commander expressed appreciation to the facilitators for their invaluable contributions and for availing the officers with their wealth of experience.
He also commended all participants for their active participation which made the exercise lively and intellectually stimulating.


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