Arewa Group Demands Arrests In Nomadic Vigilante Killings

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A group, the Arewa Youths for Peace and Security has demanded swift action and arrests in response to the killings of 16 Fulani settlers last November in the Kwaku area of the Kuje Area Council, Abuja.
Spokesperson of the group, Salihu Dantata Mahmud made the demand in a statement calling upon the Inspector General of Police and the Director General of the Department of State Services (DSS) to urgently apprehend those responsible for the killings.
“A vigilance group from Nasarawa state came to Kwaku in November 2022 and innocently killed the sixteen innocent Fulani settlers in Kwaku in the guise of chasing suspected bandits, whereas the real culprits were somewhere other than the area targeted,” Mahmud said.
According to the group, the vigilante killings violated the human rights of the Fulani victims.
The Arewa group said one of the suspected masterminds of the attack is still leading the outlawed nomadic group loyal to him.
“We therefore implore the police and DSS to formally invite the nomadic group for interrogation in order to ascertain the motive behind the killings,” Mahmud added.
He added that the right orlf everyone counts in a democracy being practiced in the country.
“We are in a democracy where the right of everyone counts.”
The Arewa youth group said justice has been delayed for the deceased settlers and their families, noting that the killings were barbaric acts that must be addressed promptly by law enforcement.


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