Musawa Mourns Junior Pope’s Tragic Death

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The Minister of Art, Culture and the Creative Economy, Hannatu Musa Musawa, has expressed deep shock at the death of Nollywood actor, Pope Obumneme Odonwodo, who drowned in River Anam in Anambra State on Wednesday, after shooting a movie at a location.
Barely 48 hours after the death of Kannywood actress ,Saratu Gidado, was announced, the Nigerian movie actor popularly known as Junior Pope reportedly drowned on his way back from a movie location alongside some persons yet to be confirmed.
Minister Musawa described the recent spate of deaths in the entertainment industry as horrific and tragic.
A statement made available to LEADERSHIP Weekend read, “It’s a sad week for us in the creative and movie industry and a black Wednesday. Losing two lives in three days is not only horrifying but colossal. We have lost great young talents and entertainment providers while generating content for Nigerian movie lovers.
“We mourn and commiserate with their families. We stand by them at this tragic time and our thoughts are with all those who know them”.




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