17 Gombe commissioners Get Official Vehicles

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Gombe State Governor, Muhammadu Yahaya, on Frida,y presented cars to 17 Commissioners, urging them to utilise the vehicles for purposes they were provided for.
The official cars issued were new GAC GS4.
The governor clarified that the cars were allocated and not donated, following the government’s expectations.
According to him, it was geared towards ensuring they work effectively and efficiently, stressing the need to reduce the cost of transportation.
Yahaya said, “This is not a donation because it’s not for free. I want to seize this opportunity to allocate and issue these vehicles to our commissioners for them to use them, because of the prestige of the office they need to go with the full complement of the office.
“It’s a tradition we have already done that to House of Assembly members so that they can participate in governance and carry out their oversight functions without any hitch.”
Yahaya also harped on the need for commissioners to understand the economic situation globally, urging them to be prudent as the vehicles would be retrieved should they be used for unofficial purposes.
“Everyone knows that the trend around the whole world is inflation and depreciation of the value of the naira and so many things around the economy there is a need to be prudent in whatever we do.
“Reduce the cost of governance but yet perform as administrators, that is why Commissioners and entire Ministries, Departments, and Agencies have vehicles to operate efficiently and effectively and it’s for those reasons that these vehicles are now allocated to ministries for commissioners to use,” the governor added.
Responding, the Commissioner for Justice and Attorney General of the state, Mr Zubair Umar, lauded the effort of the governor, promising on behalf of his counterparts to utilise the cars for the purposes it was allotted.


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