100 Days In office Of Gov. Abba Kabir Yusuf Is Full Of Developmental Activities Especially In Education Sector—Dr. Wailare

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The 100 days of Kano State.Governor Engineer Abba Kabir Yusuf, in office people of Kano have witnessed that ,his Government is sympathy to the masses and wants their speedy development.

One of the strong supporters of the Governor. A politician, phalantropist Engineer Dr. Saleh Wailare said this while speaking with journalist.

He shows that by the coming of Engineer Abba Kabir Yusuf administration it took the education sector very seriously in fixing the problems of education and schools in the state.
Adding that Eight years ago before this Government, the support given to the students of the secondry schools for payment of their examination fees was cancelled by previous administration.By the coming of the NNPP government under the leadership of engineer Abba Kabir Yusuf brought it back and paid NECO exam fees for 55,000 students in the state. This is a great development this will protect final years student from becoming idle in society,because when the exam result comes out, the students will get the opportunity to get jobs and others to further their studies.

Dr.Saleh Musa Wailare said akso he paid the the school fees for over 7000 student of Buk indegens of kano and also slashes the fees of tetiaries institutions in the state and there on going process to send the children’s of the masses abroad to study and come back to contribute to the development of the people of Kano and the country as a whole and to use the opportunity to find jobs in any place in the world to help themselves,family and their community.

Dr. Saleh Musa Wailare pointed out that the aspect of education that was looked at this 100 days of Governor Abba in office even if it was the only one, this Government considered it is enough, to understand that it is a Government that want progress and want to see a lot of development of its peoples.

He further explained that every government who takes care of education is something to be proud of and progress will be made in it. So they are thanking God for the way the governor of kano state has given importance to education, making the children of Masses to be educated people who will be proud of them in Kano and in every place, because education will lead any person to knows his rights and to compete with others and know what he will stand up and say what will bring the development of his nation.

Dr. Saleh Musa Wailare said that they are thanking God for this kind of effort and vision of the Governor on the development of education.

He added that not only this,their are other measures taken by Governor Abba Kabir to reduce the current situation of headship situation many peoples have been suppoted with food items and support farmers.Their is.execution of various projects in state includes of evacuation of refuses and restoring street lights and draining water channels and improving health care by taking care of repairing Hospitals.

Dr. Saleh Musa Wailare said that the administration of Engineer Abba Kabir Yusuf has brought back the Hasiya Bayero Children’s Hospital which was previously sold to individual person to convert in to his appartment by previous administration,now it has been taken back and undergone gone general renovation now the they are taking care childrens.

Dr. Saleh Musa Wailare said that by the gracce of God the government of Abba Kabir Yusuf will continue with the development of the state successfully and finish its first term and run for the second time in success.


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