Tinubu’s Wife Foresees Glorious 2024 For Nigerians

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Senator Oluremi Tinubu, wife of President Bola Tinubu, expressed optimism on Saturday at the State House, proclaiming that the year 2024 would be splendid for Nigerians.
She conveyed this in her Christmas message following an elaborate Christmas celebration held for the children of Nana Berry Orphanage in Abuja.
In her address, she urged parents to continually inspire hope in their children, emphasizing that “as we step into the year 2024, our focus should be on transforming the lives of the younger generation.”
“We must avoid discussing poverty in front of our children. We are not a poor nation. The affluent should support the less privileged and empower them to prosperity. This is what is needed. We have to remove the concept of poverty from their minds and offer them a positive outlook,” Senator Tinubu stated.
“We are entering a promising year, and those who believe in its promise will reap its rewards,” she added.
During the event, the first lady narrated a Bible story to the children and encouraged parents to instill good morals in their children to help them become exceptional adults.
“Parents should share Christmas stories with their children, as has been our tradition. This year, we have chosen to redefine what Christmas signifies at the State House. In our tenure, we plan to adopt one orphanage home each year. Next year, another orphanage will be included to ensure these children feel a sense of comfort and belonging,” Senator Tinubu explained.
“These children, just like all Nigerians, have dreams and aspirations. Bringing them here is to show them that nothing is unattainable. They too can achieve positions of power by the grace of God,” she continued.
Senator Tinubu advised parents to begin imparting spiritual values in their children’s lives, underscoring the importance of early learning. “As a child from humble beginnings, what has motivated me is what I have witnessed. We must lay a strong spiritual foundation for our children. This Christmas serves as a reminder of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial love and the need for us as a nation to sacrifice for the benefit of future generations,” she stated.
“We must lay a good foundation for them because we believe their lives will be better than ours,” she concluded. (NAN)


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