NGO To Groom Youth On Leadership Skills

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By Idris Shehu

Lead Generation Initiative, a Non-governmental organization has said that orientation is a key factor affecting the growth of the country, which is not limited to the government but also the governed.

The initiative founder, and serving member of House of Representatives, Shina Abiola-Peller, the NGO is Nigeria’s foremost organized movement for socio-political, economic and cultural change and development.

Abiola-Peller who was in Bauchi declaring a two-day training for 150 youths drawn from the Nineteen Northern states, urged the Nigerian youths to take their destiny into their own hands and run for various elective offices in 2023 polls.

“We are building a new generation of young people that take responsibility for fixing their communities and country through active participation in the socio-political process”. He said

Abiola-Peller, who represents Iseyin/Hesiwaju/Kajola and Iwajowa federal constituency of Oyo state, said already two editions of the training has been done with the maiden one held in September in Oyo state, his home state while the second edition was done in Oshun state.

According to the initiative founder his organization is to build, develop and support a new generation of leaders with the socio-political culture to catalyze positive change in Nigeria.

“We are aware that the voice of every young Nigerian needs to be heard. We want to galvanize, train, support and raise the voices and slake of the Nigerian youth”, he stated

He said the training which was tagged, ‘Get Involved Leadership Training’, was meant to create opportunities for the young people to channel their creativity, energy and aspiration to add value to the communities.

“Two youths are drawn from each Local Government Area of Bauchi and Gombe states, as well as a representative from each of the 19 Northern states”.

The Get Involved Leadership Training is a train-the-trainer leadership training on the programmes and set goals of Lead Generation Initiative, active citizenship and nation building, leadership communication, community organizing, leadership skills, and team dynamics and accountability.


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