My Emergence As EYN President Is A Defeat To Tribalism And A Win To Unity -Mbaya

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By Muh’d Shafi’u Saleh

New elected Ekkelesiyya Yan Uwa A Najeriya (EYN) president, Rev Dr Daniel Mbaya, He explained the election that led to becoming the new Leadership of the church saying as a defeat of tribalism and a win unity of EYN.

Rev Mbaya, make the remaks during there inauguration ceremony along side with Vice president Rev Nuhu Mutah Abba, General Secretary Rev James Musa, Administrative Secretary RV Timta Luka, at the event which took place at EYN Headquarters in Kwarhi Adamawa state on Saturday.

He said “we shall not take this for granted, I change pastors and preachers of the gospel to respect the sanctity of pulpit, you all know that the pulpit isn’t a place of abuse and insults but of edification of preaching the world of God.

“While we respect everybody and follow the Seriptural teaching that we should give honour to whom honour is due, the terminology of No one Citizen in EYN or First Lady of EYN or number 2 or number 3 or number 4 should be expunged from our vocabulary.

“We are all servants of God, Chris is the Head of Church, we are to place Jesus Christ in His rightful place in the church, we should delete His Excellency from our vocabulary as a Church when addressing the President or Vice president, we are called to service one another.

In his goodwill massage, Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri of Adamawa State has congratulated the new leadership of the Church Of The Brethren In Nigeria (EYN) and urged them to live according to Biblical injunction and submit to the service of God and humanity.

“Onbehalf of the government and good people of Adamawa State, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the new leadership.

“May your tenure be blessed with success, may your leadership bring about positive and lasting change”.

Governor Fintiri warns that the church must at all coast be protected against machinations that will reduce it to the mundane level of pity politics and tool for cheap propaganda that add no respectful value to sacred status of God.

“We remain committed to building a society that preaches love not hatred, trust not distrust, harmony not discord tolerance not reboof, peace not conflict.

“We also know that the only way we can succeed in building this kind of society, is to collaborate with socializing institutions like the church and mosques, “he toted.

While swearing in the new leaders for a period of 4 years, Spiritual Adviser Rev Ezra Dawui, urged the new them to follow the Church’s constitution and management system as established.


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