Bauchi PHCDA Holds AOP Meeting

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By Idris Shehu

An annual Operational Development Plan meeting (AOP) for the development of PHC activities, and a practicable template to chart a 2021 governance structure guiding the health sector specialists, partners and stakeholders was held in Bauchi.

Organized by the State Primary Health care Development Agency (PHCDA), the meeting attracted sizeable number of stakeholders from within and around the state, key among was the Executive Chairman BSPHCDA Dr Rilwan Mohammed, a surgeon, consultant and public health physician with track record of health practice.

Others at the meeting included representatives of NPHCDA, UNICEF, WHO, BMGF & Dangote foundation, Representatives of the State Ministry of Health, BACATMA, BACSHMA, Director of Planning Research and Statistics as Convener, Director Primary Health Care, Director Disease Control and Immunization.

According to the statement by Ibrahim Sani, Information Officer PHCDA, Bauchi said, “The operational plan therefore would serves as an “all-inclusive” document that addresses sector-wide priorities covering the period 2021. The 1-year plan takes into account the prioritised interventions and recovery plan, with an expanded scope to ensure it covers the wider MoH-PHC needs and plans for an improved health sector”.

“The PHC 2021 annual operational plan harmonises all plans within the Agency and is considered a useful document in guiding partners and Programme Officers on the priority areas for support”

He expressed optimism that the operational plan will become another reference document for health programmes and services; as well as for resource mobilisation in a collective effort to revamp the health system in Bauchi State.

In tandem with efforts to contain all the epidemic as well as infectious diseases, the State Primary Health Care under its Executive Chairman Dr Rilwanu Mohammed and its partners have been making effort to develop a post reliable PHC Plan with the present administration priorities focusing on the reduction of maternal and infant mortality.

It is also geared to promoting patient and health worker safety in health facilities; and strengthening immunization and integrated disease surveillance and response among other initiatives.

Cognisant of the fact that a holistic approach is needed to overhaul the weakened health sector, the State Primary Health Care Development Agency had in collaboration with UNICEF, WHO, USAID, BMGF and Dangote foundation.


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