Uganda Launches 2nd Phase of Cholera Vaccination

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Uganda has launched the second phase of oral cholera vaccination campaign to prevent the disease outbreak as heavy rains intensify, the Ministry of Health said on Wednesday.

The ministry, in a statement, said the vaccination in the five cholera hotspot districts of Nebbi, Zombo, Pakwach, Bududa and Buliisa targets to protect 700,000 people.

“The vaccine is administered to all persons above one year of age and offers individuals protection up to 5 years.

“The vaccine will be given house to house by health workers,’’ said the statement.

Uganda completed the first round of oral cholera vaccination campaign in May 2018.

The campaign was aimed at containing an outbreak that left 45 Democratic Republic of the Congo refugees dead and more than 2,000 others hospitalised.

At least 360,000 people that included refugees and locals were vaccinated in the exercise following the disease outbreak in Kyangwali and Kyaka Refugee settlements in the western districts of Hoima and Kyegegwa.

Ruth Aceng, Uganda’s Health Minister on Tuesday said the country was at risk of cholera as a result of the current heavy rains.

“Let’s strive hard to stay cholera free by vaccinating, washing hands after using the toilet, using pit latrines and disposing of faeces in the pit latrines, boiling drinking water and maintain clean personal hygiene,’’ said Aceng, while launching the vaccination in Zombo.

Cholera, according to the ministry, is a serious acute infectious disease characterised by watery diarrhoea, vomiting and kills a person within hours.

It spreads by means of eating and drinking food contaminated with the faecal matter of an infected person.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that vaccination against cholera be considered in emergencies and other high-risk scenarios, where there are increased threats of outbreaks.


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