House C’ttee On Cooperation And Integration In Africa Visited AUDA-NEPAD Headquarters

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By Muh’d Shafi’u Saleh

The House of representatives Committee on Cooperation and Integration in Africa led by chairman of the committee and member representing Demsa/Numan/Lamurde Federal Constituency Rt Hon Kwamoti La’ori, on a familiarization visit to the headquarters of New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), in Abuja.

The visit afforded committee members the opportunity to engage and appreciate the activities of AUDA-NEPAD which primarily focus on poverty eradication and food security; promoting sustainable growth and development; integrating Africa in the world economy and accelerating the empowerment of women among others.

During her welcome speech, the National Coordinator and CEO of AUDA-NEPAD, HE Princess Gloria Akobundu (fsi) thanked the committee for the visit, highlights insecurity, political instability and threats of disunity in the region among challenges confronting the organization, however, assures the committee of her readiness to summount them.

Responding, Rep Kwamoti, appreciate the agency for its efforts towards regional economic integration and development, in the face of challenges, assures the Agency of all necessary parliamentary support for it to succeed in its mission.

It was an opportunity for members to interface, share knowledge and experience as well as be abreast of the activities of AUDA-NEPAD as a regional organization.

Highlights of the visit includes a tour of the facilities and group photographs.


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