Christmas Day Explosion: Investigation Underway Following In U.S.

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Investigation is underway in the U.S. state of Tennessee following a massive car explosion in the capital, Nashville, on Christmas morning.

Reports say the explosion originated from a parked recreational vehicle in the city centre and was felt several blocks away.

Official pictures from the incident show damaged vehicles and several buildings, with smoke billowing into the sky from the scene.

Fire officials in the city reported taking three people to hospital with minor injuries. No significant injuries or death have been reported as of the time of filing this report.

Spokesman of the Nashville metro police department, Don Aaron, described the explosion as significant, saying an “intentional act” was suspected.

“The explosion was significant, as you can see. The police department, its federal partners, the FBI and ATF, are conducting a large-scale investigation to this point.

“We do believe that the explosion was an intentional act,” Aaron told newsmen.

President Donald Trump and acting Attorney-General Jeff Rosen have reportedly been briefed on the incident.

The FBI is now the lead investigative agency. Agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are responding, reports say.


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