Cambodia Arrests Two Thai Men With Illicit Drug

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Cambodian anti-drug police on Wednesday arrested two Thai nationals for allegedly smuggling almost eight kilogrammes of illicit drug from Thailand into Cambodia, the National Police reported.
Sutham Prasop, a 33-year-old farmer, and Natthapon, a 42-year-old car mechanic, were caught trafficking drug from Thailand into Cambodia through the O Smach border checkpoint in North-West Cambodia’s Oddar Meanchey province.
According to a National Police, a total of 7.97 kilogrammes of crystal methamphetamine and a pick-up truck were seized from the suspects.
The South-East Asian nation has no death sentence for drug traffickers. Under its law, someone found guilty of trafficking more than 80 grammmes of drugs could be jailed for life.
According to the Anti-Drug Police Department, Cambodia nabbed 18,965 drug suspects, including 381 foreigners form 12 nationalities, during the first 11 months of 2019, confiscating about 676.7 kilogrammes of illicit drugs.


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