Group Cautions Journalists Against Derogatory Language In Reporting PWDs

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Journalists and media houses have been charged to avoid the use of derogatory languages while reporting issues affecting Persons With Disabilities (PWDs).

The Executive Director, Women With Disability Self Reliance Foundation, Mrs Riskat Mohammed made the call during a meeting with journalists at the Secretariat of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) in Kaduna.

Mohammed said it was important for the media at the forefront of information gathering, processing, and disseminating to be in tune with acceptable global terms when they discuss or report about Persons With Disabilities.

“The media needs to acknowledge and adopt the dynamics of PWDs language to avoid using the terms that promote stigma and discrimination,” Mohammed said.

The participants at the meeting resolved, that there is need for adequate training of journalists reporting PWD issues for increased knowledge and professional reportage.

The participants also agreed to establishing robust partnership between the Organisation of Persons with Disabilities (OPD) and the media for collaborative engagement.

They noted that the low coverage and improper handling of PWD issues in the media has contributed to stigma and discrimination, rather than protecting them.

Participants however noted that lack of adequate training for journalists on PWD issues and failure to use appropriate language left a significant gap, hence the need for training media practitioners.


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