Tribesmen Kill Senior Pro-govt. Security Official In Yemen’s Marib

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A senior commander of the pro-government Yemeni security forces was killed by armed tribesmen in the country’s oil-rich province of Marib on Monday, a military official said.

“Confrontations erupted between the security forces and armed tribesmen who set up checkpoints and barriers near an oil field in Marib’s eastern part,’’ the local military source said on condition of anonymity.

He confirmed that the armed confrontations resulted in the killing of Gen. Abdul-Wahed Dokar, the Commander of the second Security Brigade in Marib.

The official added that several people of the two sides were either killed or injured as the situation was still tense in Marib.

Tribal gunmen sporadically cut off the main roads and prevented basic supplies from reaching the government-controlled city of Marib and its surroundings.

Hundreds of thousands of residents and internally displaced people live therre.

Large areas in Marib are also witnessing intense battles between the Saudi-backed Yemeni government forces and the Houthi rebels who are attempting to capture the province.


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