Cleric Urges Muslims To Take Advantage Of First 10 Days Of Dhul Hijja

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Malam Adam Ciroma, Chief Imam, Federal Collage of Education (FCE), Yola Central Mosque has called on Muslims faithful to take advantage of the first 10 days in the Month of Dhul Hijja for more blessings from Almighty God.

Ciroma, who made the call in his Jumu’ah sermon on Friday in Yola, said the first 10 days are the most blessed days when compare with other days in the year.

Dhul Hijja is the 12th months of the Islamic calendar, and Muslims faithful are enjoined to maximum their worships and devotion to Allah especially during the first 10 days of the month.

According to Islamic traditions, the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah are the most blessed days in which to do good deeds.

On the 10th of Dhul Hijja, pilgrims observe the Arafat day in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, which is the climax of the annual Hajj exercise while Muslim across the globe celebrate the Eid-el-Adha on the 11th day of the month.

Ciroma said Muslims faithful should double efforts in worshiping God and seeking forgiveness with good intention of not repeating the sins in future as God is ready to forgive.

He said that it was good to pray at night, fast during the day especially on Arafat Day, recitation of the Holly Qur’an, give charity and assist the needy.

The cleric said that whoever engages in the worshiping God during the period and fast on Arafat Day would be blessed and be forgiven.

Ciroma further admonished Muslims to be committed on recitation of names of God while driving, cooking or on bed. (NAN) (





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