Christmas: Archbishop Urges Nigerians To Work For Better Future

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Most Rev. Valerian Okeke, Catholic Archbishop of Onitsha and Metropolitan of Onitsha Ecclesiastical Province has urged Nigerians to work towards peace and a better future as they  celebrate Christmas.

Okeke made the call in his Christmas message in Onitsha on Friday.

The archbishop said that Nigeria was passing through a critical moment as it was faced with challenges of COVID-19 pandemic, economic recession and insecurity.

Okeke said Nigerians must dream and work towards surmounting the challenges for a better future.

“The old adage tells us that whenever a dream is kept consciously before us, it turns into a goal.

“And when the goal is broken down into small practicable steps it becomes a plan.

“Consequently, when the plan is backed up by actions with consistency, perseverance and prayer the dream comes true and becomes a reality,” he said.

Okeke added: “Let us dream of a future Nigeria, where Boko Haram, bandits and men of violence will be sad stories of the past, totally repugnant to the sensibilities and modus operandi of the young and old of the present.

“Let us dream of a Nigeria where people will not be identified or stigmatised by their religion, their place of origin or mother tongue.”

He urged Nigerians to seek peace, show goodwill as well as embark on actions that would bring peace in the country.(NAN)


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