Tigray Region Tension: Sudan Closes Border With Ethiopia

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Sudan’s Kassala State has closed its border with Ethiopia until further notice, the acting Governor of Kassala State and Secretary General of the state’s government, Fathal-Rahman Al-Amin, said on Thursday.

This follows the military action announced by the Federal Ethiopian government in the Tigray Region which is adjacent to Kassala State.

The Ethiopian Federal Government has also declared a six-month state of emergency in the Tigray Region, saying that it took the actions after the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) carried out attacks on Ethiopian National Defence Force bases in the Tigray Region last Tuesday.

The state-owned Sudan News Agency (SUNA) reported the acting Governor as saying that he will visit the area to assess the situation, stressing that the authorities will not allow any individuals or groups with weapons to enter Kassala State.

He added that a committee will be set up to deal with civilians who might seek refuge in Sudanese.


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