Ramadan: Scholar Urges Muslim Faithful To Seek Allah’s Mercy

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Prof. AbdulRazzak Alaro, an Islamic scholar, has advised Muslims to seek the mercy of Almighty Allah in the holy month of Ramadan to end the global coronavirus (COVID- 19) pandemic and other calamities.

Alaro gave the advice on Tuesday while delivering an online Ramadan lecture, saying that the Ramadan was a month of mercy and Muslims should make judicious use of the opportunity.

The scholar said that it was good to exercise patience in everything about social life, which he said was a sign of a good Muslim, but not in the aspect of worshipping Almighty Allah.

He said that any act of Ibadah (worship) had to be done at the right time, without any delay.

“Someone can leave food for others when it is not enough to go round, you can allow people to enter the commercial vehicle before you, you can be as generous and loyal as possible, but when it comes to religion, delay is not accepted,” he explained.

Alaro said that Muslims were expected to be hasty to prayers and every other act of worship, and strive hard to get the mercy of Almighty Allah, without contemplating on leaving any act of Ibadah.

“A good Muslim should not delay time for prayer, or postpone any act of worship for any reason, because worshipping Almighty Allah come first before any other thing.

“Do not think of changing your place at the first roll in a congregational prayer because of a superior in the office, or refuse to do a good act because of what people will say.

“Do not postpone performance of Hajj or Umrah because of a tight schedule, as you may never have the chance again.

“It is an act of stupidity to delay any act of worship because that is the major reason of our existence in life and whatever we do, is what we will account for on the day of judgment,” he said.

The scholar said that one of the major causes of the problems faced on earth today, was due to the negligence to worship Almighty Allah according to how it is prescribed in the holy Qur’an.

“Almighty Allah wordings never fade no matter the change of time, which means that mankind should abide by all the rules and regulations as stated in the holy Qur’an and messages from the holy prophet,” he said.

Alaro said that the pandemic is teaching the world a great lesson, noting that nobody had ever preempted that a virus could cause everything to stay still, including politics, businesses and even congregational prayers.

“This COVID-19 is for everybody to know how powerful Almighty Allah is, which means that he is the ruler of the world and does not need anyone’s permission before making decisions.

“Almighty Allah has shown his power, by sending the virus to control us to his own will. He can decide to clear the world within a twinkle of an eye and can also bring complete peace and happiness if He wishes.

“Imagine the extent at which many people are obeying the law, because they do not want to be prosecuted.

“Some people so much belief in another human being as superior and most powerful. Where are the powerful beings? How can they save the world from the pandemic now?

“The only savior is Almighty Allah and we must learn to worship Him accordingly, praise and glorify him always and also seek for his mercy at all time,” he admonished.

Alaro therefore urged all Muslims to ask for Almighty Allah’s forgiveness and mercy, adding that people should be loyal and committed to worshipping the Almighty.

He prayed that the world would be a good place to live by the end of COVID-19 by the special grace of Almighty Allah.


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