Although it is true to infer that the present day leadership is brought in to being by the massive revolution of the majority electorates at the polling units; this in their quest and curiosity for a positive change against the perceived socio economic ruins the nation was suffering from the pdp’s mis rule: insecurity, endemic corruption, falling educational standard, moral decadence (particularly among youth owing to drug addiction and recruitment in to political thuggery) and unemployment related problems. The government envisaged by the electorates as alternative to the dreaded pdp’s and which is currently in place for the past five years not withstanding, as the cry for respite and change from status quo is at it’s highest pitch. Perhaps the people who voted the government into being are ingrate or the government couldn’t understand what really made people protested the pdp to have crowned the apc at the helm or thirdly the government is ignorant of the true happenings in the country or both.
According to crude and informal opinion sampling survey; for every eight people in a group of ten, you will find only two people are not crying foul concerning government’s apparent lost of policy direction ab initio it’s campaign promises to deliver the nation. This is very true and the survey transcends ethnic, religious, political and geographical boundry.
Listen to what majority are saying about the government of the day, the one they suffered all kind of threat and persecution to have elected:
* Had I know that the government of the day will increase the N90/liter petroleum price regime of the pdp to N145/liter and with nothing to show, I wouldn’t have mind wasting my PVC.
**Had I know fertilizer sold at price regime of btw. N1700 to N2000 during the pdp will be selling btw. N6000 to N14000 as at present I regretted my not allowing the perpetual reign of the party I voted against.
***Had I know BH was real and having no link with the pdp I wouldn’t have minded their continued hold on power at least my family were taken care of by my little earning as against to my papauerised present day condition.
****Had I know that my achaba business will be this affected inspite of the non vulnerability of my area to insurgents’ assault; I wouldn’t have damned this apc change.
*****Had I know that our environment would be cut off from supply of petrol in our many accessible filling stations in the name of 29 KM ban from border despite the massive deployment of security personnel at the border front; I wouldn’t have voted for this non yielding change.
****** I don’t know that their change mission is to increase VAT, electricity tariff and stopping payment of our wards external examination fees as opposed to what was obtainable with the pdp’s
******* Look at their definition of change faithful party members are sidelined and opposition favoured in matters of juicy political appointments.
******** I cannot understand this fight against corruption political office holders are paid more than the soldiers at the war front and doctors who are oftenly exposed to fatal health challenges.
********* This change or what is it pushed me in to farming but failed to supply me with the needed extension tutoring and the needed imput at the right time. The worst of it they are not around to ease us out of lost due to glut.
* It is when PDP is changed that I realised what it is to have family with sickle cell anaemia. Then we were supplied freely with drugs for our ailing family members only to realize the drugs are not only free but short of supply after we have ignorantly effected a change of leadership.
This I think are what government needs to know about how the people who voted it in to power are opining about it’s policies and style of administration. It may not necessarily be true and may conversely be so. It is now left for the stake holders go in to formal and objective survey to determine the true situation on ground.
it is advisable for every rational government delve in to programmes and policies that will promote security and welfare of it’s citizens rather than targeting mirage like destinations.
Abdullahi Daura 22/03/2020.