DG, NILEST Felicitate With Emir Of Zazzau At Fourth Year Anniversary

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By Bello Hamza, Abuja

“I felicitate with His Highness Amb. (Dr.) Ahmed Nuhu Bamali CFR, the 19th Emir of Zazzau on the auspicious occasion of your fourth Anniversary of the ascension to the exalted throne of your Ancestors.

We have all continued to gain from your fatherly guidance and invaluable contributions to the growth and development of our dear Emirate, Kaduna State, Nigeria and humanity in general.

NILEST as an Agency of the Federal Government will continue to partner with your Highness and the entire Emirate in advancing our collective interest and preserving the rich cultural heritage of the great Emirate and it’s good People.

We therefore pray that the Almighty Allah will continue to give you good health of body and mind, wisdom, and longevity to sit on the exalted throne of your forefathers and benevolently steer the affairs of the Emirate.

On behalf of the Honourable Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology Chief Uche Geoffrey Innaji, the Management, Staff and the entire Students of NILEST, I congratulate you and pray that peace, progress and prosperity continue to be the hallmark of your long reign”


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