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By Akilu Sa’adu

In Nigeria ,1st October is memorable and historic day . It is the day that marked the beginning of Nigerian administrative , economic and political freedom from the clench of its colonisers . It is a day that every Nigerian reminisces the ardent resistance by Herbert Macaulay, the fearlessness of Awolowo , the selflessness of sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa and the wisdom, and vision of Sardaunan Sokoto and all other nationalists who resiliently fought for the war of Nigerian independence and won on the 1st day of October ,1960. It is a day worth celebrating and remembering despite the snail-like movement of Nigerian independence development ship to the once proclaimed ‘promised land’ .Now Nigeria is sisty four years and the people or better, citizens joyously (though dejected over the country’s affairs) rejoiced and celebrated the independence of the country
Therefore, Nigeria been one of the blessed country in Africa and in the globe generally . It has sufficient man power to champion it’s independence industrial vision; the vast under-explored natural resources to lure foreign investors ; the favourable climate to remain the food basket of the world ; the streams and flowing rivers to ensure food security in the country ; the laws to uphold just living and fair survival of each Nigerian.However, despite these and many unlisted good things endowed by God onto the nation, the story is bemusing , demure and unalluring.
Bafflingly, deep down the throats of the celebrants of Nigerian independence is grudges and against the country ; they are aggrieved, stampeded and sweltering in anguish . Thus, the question,where the problem lies?
Obviously, to every surviving soul in Nigeria presently ,he can not ‘hail thee Nigeria’ in the face of famish, insecurity and rising price of basic ingredients of survival . But where the problem lies? The question raises so much questions than answers for the discussion on the skepticism of life and price , and the political malfunctions, social fermentation and political quagmires are topics thoroughly discussed by great political overseers . This question constraints persons to look not only the four major social institutions that made up Nigeria —political institution, economic institution, religious institution , educational institution — but also to make an introspection into our common behavior toward Nigeria and how our communal action or inaction poison the social ,political ,economic and social structure of Nigeria. It is a question that calls for action of all patriotic citizenry to challenge the status quo in order to make a difference.
Recently in my article I pointed that the problem of Nigeria is bad leadership hence I titled the article : Nigeria: a nation failed by its leaders. So many scholars and political writers and administrative experts, subscribed to these view point including the great Chinua Achebe in his book : the trouble with Nigeria .
Therefore, what is the problem(troubling) Nigeria has been for long a global topic of discussion for it is surprising that the country that has the invaluable resources which are rare or unavailable in the so called ‘super-power countries ‘ still dwindling between a life and death ;and is under the heavy-footed debt and economic and social tragedy. So where the problem lies?
When people attempted to answer the question, they usually centre their answers to the inability of government to rule with honesty, empathy ,passion and vision . It is the leaders failure and their bad Administration that push Nigeria into this penurious ,under-performing state. But, the questions that seems irreconcilable in my brain are : who are the leaders that failed? Are they not from us, voted by us, and enthroned by us? . I recalled senghor’s poem “leader and the lead” and I asked whether like those allegorical animals in the poem , the masses in Nigeria vote upright persons to lead them ,not Lion because of its wickedness, not hyena because of its avarice and multiple stripes colour (deceptive and dubious) . A person like the voters ,right? But, are the voters righteous ? And do they pay their dues to the development or destruction of the Nation? These are questions that I can’t answer. Indeed, the leaders ignominiously failed but what about the Leads’ inaction and self-ingrained unpatriotism? The leaders are from us, the voters, not a sent-down angels.
Where the problem lies? , another set of people replied that, ‘ the problem is the people, the electorates? Inquisitively I asked, can cattles survive without a herder ? The people are the cattles and the leaders are the herders ; and a herder must know a forage for his cattles to feed on, to develop and earn the profits.
Enough of the allegorical symbolism. Nigerians are humans before they are made citizens of Nigeria by the proclamation of Briton Queen. Human being has needs— basic and unwaverable demands— for this sole reason he established government and entrusted her with his life and liberty in return for his unreserved allegiance. Thus, the questions cascaded into my brains forcing to ask: whether education is not right of every Nigerians? Whether food is not part of right to life under our organic law, constitution? Whether the leaders lead with vision and sagacity?
More so, the debt which tied Nigerian down because of its nagging, suffocating condition . We are crippled and chained by the IMF (international Monetary fund) and World Bank loans How many roads are constructed and hospitals are refurbished with the billions borrowed since 2015? I guess very few, if not No.
Remember the Upheavals in Zamfara and ther surroundings. “The insecurity is the problem of Nigeria” ,some anonymous person said. But , I haughtily asked him where are the Tucanos bought by Buhari in 2021? What is the essence of security budget? Do not think I was not aware of hidden conduit in the system, just want to know where the problem lies!
The fuel subsidy which the Lagos king scrapped on his first day in presidential throne, as a result of his emotional seizure and political dim-wittedness ,where is the money? Nigeria is among the six major oil producing countries in the world; and its oil is the finest with little sulphur. It is embarrassing that you and I still queue in petroleum station for more than five hours before we can be fueled.
Nigerians are impoverished and are persistently demanding the return of fuel subsidy in order to appease their appalling situation to the extend that, they had protest . However, the government was unheeding and allergic toward the peaceful civil protesters.Notably, government everywhere in the world acts based on the wills of its people. But why is it different in Nigeria?.
Where the problem lies? “The fervent aversion toward Nigeria by the international forces made Nigeria a bleeding nation “, some one said. I never doubted him for whoever has a glimpsed about the idea of imperialism, he will take in what the person means. It is said no nation is island on its own but, what is the essence of exploitative relationship in a democratic world?
I, like so many young Nigerians, grew up with plethora of questions tingling my conscience and troubling my Nigerian patriotism. I was restive since when I read, Walter Rodney’s, How Europe underdeveloped Africa. I was disturbed since when I read the book; wretched of the Earth by Frantz fanon and the Joseph’s Heart of Darkness . You may agree with the assertion but, for me I rejected this notion for long. Nigeria since 1st October regained its independence and today it’s celebrating its sixty four (64) years of independence. Are we not matured enough to severe the itchy cord?
Where the problem lies, the government is attracted to foreign lifestyle and infrastructure, idyll condition and well-decked tourism centres abroad ,,hence the massive reserve in our national budget for their international trips. But, how safe is common man in our slippery roads?
Today, Nigeria is at sixty four with innumerable commotions bedeviling its weak colonially-made posture and there is no good story to tell about the nation apart from blood-shedding, ubiquitous corruption, decayed infrastructures and failed economic policies and political inefficiency.
Beautifully, Eghosa E Osaghae, summarized the problems bedeviling Nigeria in his book: the Crippled Giant, Nigeria since independence as : It was crippled from the beginning by the nature of its colonial creation and integration into the global economy, and has remained crippled by corrupt and authoritarian regimes, the inability to overcome its divisions, and the inability to determine its manifest destiny in the face of a hegemonic world order. The major effect of the crippling of the state has been its failure to realize its vast potential”. I have never doubted since statement . However,the statement tells us one thing: the problem lies within us, Nigerinas . This is inferable by every Nigerians.
Lots of political scholars wrote about the problems, but what action did we take to resolve them? By voting the marauders into office or by becoming more indifferent and complacent with our gory, unsuitable state, patiently waiting for the miracle of our lords who willy-nilly made us Nigerians . The problem lies within me and you— the you that shirk on his duties as Nigerian . That is the truth!
Subsequently , the solution to the problems is you and me. This old defiled Giant is the only nation we have. We belong to Nigeria and our callous and unpatriotic actions contribute towards its deterioration and destruction. Therefore, let us strive to make a better Nigeria as it is becoming more older and harsher day by day and it’s Sons ,Daughters and global mishaps are multiplying daily .
Happy independence once again!

AKILU SAADU writes from Zaria .
He can be reached via his email address :


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